Public Library Access Button Access to the Public Library is available from every page within the Family iBoard. Just click the Public Library button on the bottom of the Family iBoard, and the Family iBoard will launch your default web browser and bring you to the Public Library available information.
Import To Your Family iBoard The idea of the Public Library is to bring publicly available family oriented information to you, without breaking the Family iBoard’s high level of security and privacy. When you find something in the Family iBoard that is of interest to you and your family, just click on the Family iBoard Import icon, and only the information that you are interested in, will be automatically imported into your Family iBoard account. Once imported, you can now share this information with any member of your Family iBoard.
Family Reference Information The information available to you in the Public Library will always be family oriented. Much of it will come from content of interest you want to share with PFN members. iBoard will also make available content on an expanding range of family oriented activities such as family travel, cooking, recreational activities, holiday ideas and personal improvement. .
Share Function The Public Library even allows you to even share this information with anyone you want, even people not within your Family iBoard’s network. This is done through the Public Library website, and uses email to send a friend the link, and does not violate the privacy and security of your Private Family Network.